
How to Create a Matrix Background In CS5

Nov 16, 2010 10:02 PM
  1. Click FILE - NEW.
  2. You can choose whatever dimensions you want but since this is going to be used as a Wallpaper, we'll use 1680x1050 or you can also use 1280x720 for HD.
  3. After you have picked your dimensions, make sure you have 72 Resolution!
  4. Once you have that done and opened with, click your foreground color and pick a "neon" green. Here is the code for the color i used. {18ff00}
  5. After that, click on the Background Color and pick a dark green. Again, here is the code for the color i used. {004f07}
  6. You can also make it different colors like Red, Blue or any color but make sure your foreground color is Light and your background color is Dark so you have a nice gradient look.
  7. After you have selected the colors, click on your Gradient Tool or press the G button on your keyboard.  P.S. Make sure you GRADIENT TOOL is selected and not the Paint Bucket!
  8. After that, go to the top of the canvas and drag a "line" holding the SHIFT button to the bottom of the canvas. Once you let go, it should create a nice gradient from the Foreground color to the Background color.
  9. After you have done the gradient on your canvas, go to FILTER - RENDER - FIBERS.
  10. Here you can move the sliders to get your favorite image but the settings i used for this tutorial are as follows:
  1. Variance = 18
  2. Strength = 49

And there it is! The "Matrix" looking Background for whatever you're doing weather its Wallpapers, Logos or anything! I hope you enjoyed this and hope it helps.

For more info and help, please visit: www.aktutorials.tk

For a Video-Tutorial, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amOPiFKWxlA

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