Mimicking reality in Photoshop is a pain, but it's certainly achievable and quite laudable if you do a fine job. If you would like to create lifelike water reflections using Photoshop, this tutorial i ...

Pimp my text!! We've all seen those car and videogame ads with the pimped out chromed text effect. Guess what? You don't need to go out and pay professional designers thousands of dollars for it. All ...

The brush engine was developed back in Photoshop 7 (before CS) and is what makes Photoshop a true painting program and revolutionized the way Photoshop works. In the longest episode of PixelPerfect ye ...

The universal solvent is back. It looms, floating in a condensed visible mass, then bursts from its vaporous state, streaking to the earth at teminal velocity. Those blurred droplets called rain are a ...

HOT!! HOT!! HOT!! This episode is smoking hot. By popular demand, Bert works his magic and shows us how to create fire. It is not quite as simple as lighting a match, but as Bert demonstrates, it is n ...

Your name may not be forever minted in stone or gold for all of posterity to gaze at, but you can certainly bling up your family name by making your own name plaque using Photoshop. This Photoshop tut ...

A very important thing to keep in mind when you're creating images from scratch or even putting things into existing images is the concept of perspective. Bert goes back to basics to teach this concep ...

Banners are beautiful advertising and decor pieces that you can use on your website, blog, or even on printed materials (because those still do exist). Check out this Photoshop tutorial to learn how t ...

It might take Einstein to help explain the complex physics of bending light, but when it comes to bending pixels, it is an art commonly referred to in Photoshop as displacement. Displacement can let y ...